So here we are.
As expected, the clock hit midnight on December 31st and we entered 2021 and… well nothing really, nothing changed.
We’re still in a pandemic and a SHINY new lockdown 3.0 (in the UK) , Brexit is still in the news daily (although, you really should just stay away from the news as I once mentioned here) and 2021 isn’t the white knight saviour we all hoped it would be.
But it will be, life is expected to get a lot easier for everyone as the grip COVID-19 has on the world loosens and financially (which is what we’re here for) if you stuck to your guns (as we said here, and here, and here) and ran INTO the storm then things are going to get better…
Of course if you didn’t listen and you cashed out due to fear or greed well…

So what do we have for 2021?
One of the things I like to do with clients is build a “Financial Roadmap”, anyone that knows me, knows that I’m very visual, I find it helps picture where you will be (providing you stick to the plan) over certain time frames and situations, so I thought we’d give you our “Roadmap”, i.e what we’ve got planned for the year:
New E-Guides
Following the huge success of last years “guide to university costs” - this year we’re going to add new e-guides to our lineup. The first one will be out next month and will be titled “The 7 Deadly Sins of Saving and Investing”. Make sure you keep your eye out for this!
Website Refresh
We’re planning to bring more content to the Family Wealth 101 website - including interactive calculators and budget planners to help you work out exactly where you are at in your financial life and how you can hit your goals.
More Videos
Of course we wouldn’t leave you without the great video content we’ve become known for. There are hundreds of ideas floating around for new content and we look forward to bringing this all to your screens over the coming weeks and months. (and I’m sure at some point we’ll chuck one of our famed blooper reels in there!)
As well as that there’ll be images, articles and more straight forward content to help cut out that confusing bullshit and keep it simple to understand.
Our goal is to help as many people as possible, and through sharing, liking and commenting on the videos you help us do that. No-one needs to get left behind so please do help us spread the word far and wide.
Looking forward to making a great year... make sense?
Cheers for reading,
